Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Time-limited snack, Satsumarico

Today, I will introduce about the new autumn snack now available in your local store. It is called "Satsumarico". Do you like sweet potato? Satsumarico is made from sweet potatoes.

Satsumarico is one of the "Jagarico" snacks. Jagarico is popular snack in Japan that is made from potetoes. It is crispy in the form of a stick. There are several kinds. For example, there is salad flavor, cheese flavor and potato butter flavor. In addition, there is avocado cheese flavor, but that is time-limited. 

Satumarico is one of these potato snacks. The taste is sweet, and just like the sweet potatoes taste. The texture is crunchy like other Jagarico snacks. The price is about 152 yen. 

If you like a sweet potato, I think you should try Satsumarico. It is seasonal snack, so don't delay! Thank you for checking my blog.